Description: Metamodel for RO
Templates and Classes
Template | Description |
PairwisePropertyChain | a property chain of length 2 |
NamedIndividual | None |
Agent | None |
Class | Instances of this are OWL classes |
RoleClass | None |
Subset | A grouping for ontology terms |
AnnotationProperty | Instances of this are OWL AnnotationProperties |
ObjectProperty | Instances of this are OWL ObjectProperties |
GroupingObjectProperty | An ObjectProperty that has is used for grouping purposes and should not be instantiated |
HelperObjectProperty | An ObjectProperty that has is used for OWL axiomatization purposes and should not be used |
RolifiedObjectProperty | An ObjectProperty that has is used in OWL rolification |
DefinedObjectPropertyByDomain | An ObjectProperty that is defined by a parent property and a domain |
DefinedObjectPropertyByRange | An ObjectProperty that is defined by a parent property and a range |
DefinedObjectPropertyByDomainAndRange | An ObjectProperty that is defined by a parent property and a domain and a range |
DefinedObjectPropertyByChain | An ObjectProperty that is defined by a chain of two properties |
DefinedTransitiveObjectPropertyByIntermediary | An ObjectProperty that is a shortcut for two hops via some intermediary |
DefinedObjectPropertyByChainToReflexive | An ObjectProperty that is defined by a chain of two properties where the second/final member is used in a reflexive sense (regardless of whether it is actually reflexive). This has the effect of making the chain relation a subproperty of the first member of the chain |
TransitiveForm | An ObjectProperty that is defined as the transitive form of another relation |
DefinedObjectPropertyByParticipantRole | An ObjectProperty that is defined by the role the participant plays |
DefinedObjectPropertyByIntersection | An ObjectProperty that is defined by the intersection of its superproperties |
ObjectPropertyDefinedByInteractionProcess | An object property that is a shortcut for a chain of relations with an intervening process |
Template Slots
Name | Domain | Range | Cardinality | Description | OWL |
id | NamedThing | uriorcurie | 0..1 | None | |
label | NamedThing | label_type | 0..1 | None | AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion |
definition | NamedThing | narrative_text | 0..1 | None | AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion |
contributor | NONE | Agent | 0..1 | None | AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion |
exact_match | NamedThing | NamedThing | 0..* | None | AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion |
comment | NamedThing | narrative_text | 0..1 | None | |
in_subset | NamedThing | Subset | 0..* | Maps an ontology element to a subset it belongs to | |
conforms_to | NamedThing | string | 0..1 | None | |
subclass_of | NamedThing | NamedThing | 0..* | the parent class | |
subproperty_of | Property | Property | 0..* | the parent relation | |
genus | NONE | NONE | 0..1 | The part of the logical definition that indicates the parent that is being specialized | |
domain | Property | Class | 0..1 | The kinds of entity that can be the subject of the object property | |
range | Property | Class | 0..1 | The kinds of entity that can be the object of the object property | |
subproperty_of_pairwise_chain | ObjectProperty | PairwisePropertyChain | 0..* | connects an ObjectProperty to a chain that entails the Objectproperty | |
inverse_of | ObjectProperty | ObjectProperty | 0..1 | connects an ObjectProperty to its inverse | |
has_transitive_form | ObjectProperty | ObjectProperty | 0..1 | connects an ObjectProperty to its transitive form | |
has_reflexive_transitive_form | ObjectProperty | ObjectProperty | 0..1 | connects an ObjectProperty to its transitive form | |
participant_role | NONE | RoleClass | 0..1 | None | |
has_intermediary_of_type | NONE | Class | 0..1 | A class that is the type of the entity that sits between a property chain of length 2 | |
symmetric | ObjectProperty | boolean | 0..1 | boolean form of the OWL SymmetricProperty characteristic | |
asymmetric | ObjectProperty | boolean | 0..1 | boolean form of the OWL AsymmetricProperty characteristic | |
reflexive | ObjectProperty | boolean | 0..1 | boolean form of the OWL ReflexiveProperty characteristic | |
irreflexive | ObjectProperty | boolean | 0..1 | boolean form of the OWL IrreflexiveProperty characteristic | |
locally_reflexive | ObjectProperty | boolean | 0..1 | If s is locally_reflexive, then i.s=i for all instances i where s if a class slot for the type of i | |
transitive | ObjectProperty | boolean | 0..1 | boolean form of the OWL TransitiveProperty characteristic | |
first_member | PairwisePropertyChain | ObjectProperty | 0..1 | None | |
last_member | PairwisePropertyChain | ObjectProperty | 0..1 | None | |
rolification_of | ObjectProperty | Class | 0..1 | None | |
subject_to_process_property | ObjectProperty | ObjectProperty | 0..1 | None | |
process_to_object_property | ObjectProperty | ObjectProperty | 0..1 | None | |
uses_rolified_property | ObjectProperty | RolifiedObjectProperty | 0..1 | None |