

Description: Metamodel for RO


Templates and Classes

Template Description
PairwisePropertyChain a property chain of length 2
NamedIndividual None
Agent None
Class Instances of this are OWL classes
RoleClass None
Subset A grouping for ontology terms
AnnotationProperty Instances of this are OWL AnnotationProperties
ObjectProperty Instances of this are OWL ObjectProperties
GroupingObjectProperty An ObjectProperty that has is used for grouping purposes and should not be instantiated
HelperObjectProperty An ObjectProperty that has is used for OWL axiomatization purposes and should not be used
RolifiedObjectProperty An ObjectProperty that has is used in OWL rolification
DefinedObjectPropertyByDomain An ObjectProperty that is defined by a parent property and a domain
DefinedObjectPropertyByRange An ObjectProperty that is defined by a parent property and a range
DefinedObjectPropertyByDomainAndRange An ObjectProperty that is defined by a parent property and a domain and a range
DefinedObjectPropertyByChain An ObjectProperty that is defined by a chain of two properties
DefinedTransitiveObjectPropertyByIntermediary An ObjectProperty that is a shortcut for two hops via some intermediary
DefinedObjectPropertyByChainToReflexive An ObjectProperty that is defined by a chain of two properties where the second/final member is used in a reflexive sense (regardless of whether it is actually reflexive). This has the effect of making the chain relation a subproperty of the first member of the chain
TransitiveForm An ObjectProperty that is defined as the transitive form of another relation
DefinedObjectPropertyByParticipantRole An ObjectProperty that is defined by the role the participant plays
DefinedObjectPropertyByIntersection An ObjectProperty that is defined by the intersection of its superproperties
ObjectPropertyDefinedByInteractionProcess An object property that is a shortcut for a chain of relations with an intervening process

Template Slots

Name Domain Range Cardinality Description OWL
id NamedThing uriorcurie 0..1 None
label NamedThing label_type 0..1 None AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion
definition NamedThing narrative_text 0..1 None AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion
contributor NONE Agent 0..1 None AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion
exact_match NamedThing NamedThing 0..* None AnnotationProperty, AnnotationAssertion
comment NamedThing narrative_text 0..1 None
in_subset NamedThing Subset 0..* Maps an ontology element to a subset it belongs to
conforms_to NamedThing string 0..1 None
subclass_of NamedThing NamedThing 0..* the parent class
subproperty_of Property Property 0..* the parent relation
genus NONE NONE 0..1 The part of the logical definition that indicates the parent that is being specialized
domain Property Class 0..1 The kinds of entity that can be the subject of the object property
range Property Class 0..1 The kinds of entity that can be the object of the object property
subproperty_of_pairwise_chain ObjectProperty PairwisePropertyChain 0..* connects an ObjectProperty to a chain that entails the Objectproperty
inverse_of ObjectProperty ObjectProperty 0..1 connects an ObjectProperty to its inverse
has_transitive_form ObjectProperty ObjectProperty 0..1 connects an ObjectProperty to its transitive form
has_reflexive_transitive_form ObjectProperty ObjectProperty 0..1 connects an ObjectProperty to its transitive form
participant_role NONE RoleClass 0..1 None
has_intermediary_of_type NONE Class 0..1 A class that is the type of the entity that sits between a property chain of length 2
symmetric ObjectProperty boolean 0..1 boolean form of the OWL SymmetricProperty characteristic
asymmetric ObjectProperty boolean 0..1 boolean form of the OWL AsymmetricProperty characteristic
reflexive ObjectProperty boolean 0..1 boolean form of the OWL ReflexiveProperty characteristic
irreflexive ObjectProperty boolean 0..1 boolean form of the OWL IrreflexiveProperty characteristic
locally_reflexive ObjectProperty boolean 0..1 If s is locally_reflexive, then i.s=i for all instances i where s if a class slot for the type of i
transitive ObjectProperty boolean 0..1 boolean form of the OWL TransitiveProperty characteristic
first_member PairwisePropertyChain ObjectProperty 0..1 None
last_member PairwisePropertyChain ObjectProperty 0..1 None
rolification_of ObjectProperty Class 0..1 None
subject_to_process_property ObjectProperty ObjectProperty 0..1 None
process_to_object_property ObjectProperty ObjectProperty 0..1 None
uses_rolified_property ObjectProperty RolifiedObjectProperty 0..1 None